Last minute Holiday shopping advice…

Hey all, I’ve been getting a lot of requests from friends and family (and wives of both) for whisk(e)y recommendations this Holiday season. A liquor store is a quick stop for that person you forgot to buy for who enjoys a drink now and then.

The choice is going to depend on favorite whiskey type, but here are some easy to find selections that will impress.

The first decision is where the real choice will be made; do they prefer Irish, Scotch, Bourbon, or Rye Whiskey? Irish go with the Red Breast 12 year or Red Breast Cask Strength. Scotch go with Glen Farclais 15 year or Deanston 12 year. Bourbon do Weller 12yo or Weller Antique 107. Rye go with Whistle Pig Old World or Farmstock. The rye choices from Whistle Pig are also great for the folks who like whiskey in cocktails instead of by itself.

Hope this helps your last minute shopping. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Feliz Navidad from Old World Whiskey Society!

A Holiday cocktail this Christmas Eve and the greatest Christmas song ever recorded in my lifetime share a name…..

A Holiday cocktail this Christmas Eve and the greatest Christmas song ever recorded in my lifetime share a name…..

So I saw something online…